Sunday, June 10, 2012

What everyone wants to know.........

How did you find out you had breast cancer?  My doctor found a small bb size lump at my yearly exam.  She said to watch it.  This was my first year for a mamogram and it came back fine in December.  A few months later due to dry itchy winter skin I accidently found my lump it was now the size of a small marble.  I'm forty it must be the hormones everyone talks about.  Not really sure if what I was feeling was really a lump I finally made an appointment.  I felt like a hypochondriac going to that appointment because I wasn't sick and avoided all the colds and flu everyone caught last winter.  I just had a lump I thought about waiting until my next yearly exam to have it checked.  May 9,2012 after the exam for my lump I was sent to have mammograms and an untrasound.  That lead to a biopsy of my breast and lymph nodes.  The next day I received the results.  Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with positive lymph nodes.  Later I found out my cancer is also tripple negative.  That means they don't know what feeds it.  There are many different kinds of breast cancer.  Some are fueled by estrogen, progesterone or HER2.  Tripple negative is aggressive and more likely to recur.


Lani said...

Thinking of you - kick it in the butt!

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